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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2022

How to get contacts from Gmail on Android device

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Step 1: Login your Gmail account to the website here Note: If you do not lose your contacts but just want to import contacts from Gmail, you can only do it from step 4 of the article. Step 2: You choose “More” and “Restore Contacts” Step 3: Choose when your contacts were deleted Note that you must choose the right time to delete the wrong contacts, this is quite important when the device will bring the contacts back at that time. Step 4: On your phone, go to “Settings” > “Accounts” Step 5: Select “Add account” Step 6: Select “Google” Step 7: Sign in your Gmail account Step 8: You go to the "Contacts" section of the device to see if you have contacts? If not, you can select "Contacts to display" and then select "Google" to be successful. Notes when syncing contacts: – The previous Gmail account must be signed in to your phone. – Choose the right time to restore contacts. – If you do not see t...

5 indispensable items for a long trip, picnic

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1 Flashlight Whether you go camping on your own or go to specialized camping sites, the lighting in these places is often not good, you need to prepare picnic bags that include portable lights, or even those for convenience. Convenient for moving as well as easy for fun activities of the whole group . Priority should be given to choosing a flashlight with a wide beam and the ability to keep the battery for many hours. Illustrated is 2 Power banks During trips, we need to take photos, record videos and make calls a lot, these activities will consume a lot of power on . Make sure your phone is always in contactable condition to avoid mishaps , so it's a must-have item. In addition, we also need to take a lot of photos and videos, these activities also consume a lot of phone battery, so a portable charger will help you not to miss any beautiful moments. Illustrated is 3 Ice Buckets If you carry a lot of fresh food, you need the ones to keep the food fresh and...

3 most effective ways to remove glue on plastic items at home

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1 Using a hair dryer The cleaning method is based on the principle of operation of the adhesive, you just need to turn on the dryer and apply it directly to the glue, under the effect of temperature the glue will soften and you can use it to wipe it off and it will be completely clean. whole. Note, make sure that the dryer is placed a safe distance from the plastic surface so as not to damage the plastic surface. 2 Use soda and oil Step 1 : Mix a little baking soda with a little oil. You can use any oil, like coconut oil or olive oil. Mix equal parts of the oil and in a small bowl until they form a paste. Step 2 : Rub the mixture into the area with glue on it. Add enough mixture so that the adhesive is completely covered. If you have sensitive skin, wear gloves to do this as the baking soda can dry out your hands. You can also use a dry cloth instead of your hands to scrub in the mixture. Step 3 : Leave the mixture for 30 minutes . This allows the baking soda and...

The best way to plug a headset into the desktop

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1 Connect the headset to the desktop First, to plug a headset into a desktop computer, users need to check the headphone jack (plug) to know if its size is suitable for the computer. Normally, the 3.5mm headphone jack is suitable for desktop computers , with headphones with a larger or smaller plug the computer will not accept. On the hard drive of the desktop you will see there are 2-3 headphone jacks, usually shown in blue icon for the area to plug in common types of headphones . This is where you need to plug your headphones in. 2 Set up the sound profile on the computer to connect to the headset Enter the word “Control Panel” in the search box by clicking on the Start box in the lower left corner of the computer screen. After the Control Panel pane appears, click "Hardware and Sound" . Then select "Sound" . After the "Sound" pane appears, click "High-Definition Audio Device ". Then right-click and select "Test...

Instructions for 2 simple, safe and effective home waxing methods

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1 What is hair wax? Waxing is a method of removing hair from the root . This is an economical, highly effective hair removal method. Hair wax can be applied on many body areas such as arms, legs, moustache, eyebrows, bikini and underarms. 2 Should you wax your hair? Waxing does not cause folliculitis like when you pluck or shave. Therefore, if you want to save money while the hair is still cleaned from the root, you should wax. Currently, there are two main types of wax, hot wax and cold wax. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of these two types of wax: Hot wax Cold wax Advantages High efficiency Suitable for sensitive skin Less pain due to heat opening pores Easier to do, no preparation time Suit all skin types Defect More preparation than cold wax Possible burns Wax is not as clean as hot wax, it may have to be waxed many times. 3 Ways to wax hair at home How to wax hair by hand You can do manual waxing ac...

Going to Sapa need to prepare what to make the trip complete

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1 Schedule a trip Before starting a travel trip in Sapa, the first thing you should do is schedule a trip that suits your circumstances and budget. You should plan in detail about the place you want to go and arrange in order of schedule the days you want to go. After that, you should arrange restaurants and specialty restaurants you want to eat or buy as souvenirs. Besides, you should also prepare a plan in advance, prepare a means of transport to be able to conveniently explore Sapa more interesting. 2 What to bring to Sapa? Necessary documents when going to Sapa When you travel, you should bring the necessary documents to backup and best serve your trip. Some documents you should note to bring include: or Identity card. . Driving license. These documents you will probably need to provide when you rent the room. As for the driving license, you should bring it with you when driving in Sapa. Finance Money is an indispensable thing in all travel, money will...